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story-based writing services
for businesses, nonprofits
and entrepreneurs
Mark J.H. Klassen, Writer
moments ago I died, the sound of it
still ringing in my ears, the tearing
apart of one desire from another
I left this world and its dreams
an exchange of sorts, law for love
choosing my slavery with care
an open door before me, the only door
open and closing again and again
hinged on the wishes of my heart
with death came an awful strength
and I am strong in your arms
lured back only by arrogance
I am better off freed from self
loosed from the entanglement
of luxury and merit
now folding themselves within me
life and peace embrace, a soothing
drink for my parched throat
and I wait for more, my eyes
squinted in the splendor of the sun
as I kneel down and die again.
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