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story-based writing services
for businesses, nonprofits
and entrepreneurs
Mark J.H. Klassen, Writer
My name is Mark, and I believe in the power of good writing, in general, and in good stories, in particular.
I've been helping people write since 2003, and I can help you with the writing and stories that matter to you.
For some reason, you haven't written yet. Maybe you're too busy? Maybe writing is just not your thing? Many people, leaders in particular, struggle with one of these challenges.
Namesake is focused on providing quality writing for leaders in business, nonprofit or the professions by crafting stories that build trust with their customers, donors and clients.
You don't have to annoy people with traditional advertising to get their attention. Whether it's on your website, in your newsletter, your blog, or your video, tell stories that win hearts. ​
Get in touch with me today if you're interested in how effective storytelling can help promote your business or cause.
I look forward to hearing from you.